/** * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * JA Magz II Template * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Copyright (C) 2004-2011 J.O.O.M Solutions Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved. * @license - Copyrighted Commercial Software * Author: J.O.O.M Solutions Co., Ltd * Websites: http://www.joomlart.com - http://www.joomlancers.com * This file may not be redistributed in whole or significant part. * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ // Switch tool // --------------- var jActions = {}; (function($){ // Switch tool jActions.switchClass = function ($btn) { var action = $btn.data('action'), target = $btn.data('target'), value = $btn.data('value'), key = $btn.data('key'), $target = $btn.parents(target); if (!$target.length) $target = $(target); // get all class to remove $target.find ('[data-action="' + action + '"]').not($btn).each(function(){ $(this).removeClass ('active'); $target.removeClass ($(this).data('value')); }); $target.addClass (value); $btn.addClass ('active'); // store into cookie $.cookie (action + '-' + key, $btn.data('cookie') != 'no' ? value : '', {path: '/'}); }; jActions.switchClassInit = function ($btn) { var action = $btn.data('action'), target = $btn.data('target'), defaultValue = $btn.data('value'), key = $btn.data('key'), cookieValue = $.cookie(action + '-' + key), value = cookieValue ? cookieValue : defaultValue, $target = $btn.parents(target); if (!$target.length) $target = $(target); // get all class to remove $target.find ('[data-action="' + action + '"]').each(function(){ var $this = $(this); if ($this.data('value') == value) { $target.addClass (value); $this.addClass ('active'); } else { $this.removeClass ('active'); $target.removeClass ($this.data('value')); } }); // store into cookie $.cookie (action + '-' + key, $btn.data('cookie') != 'no' ? value : '', {path: '/'}); }; // Switch tool jActions.onOff = function ($btn) { var action = $btn.data('action'), target = $btn.data('target'), cls = $btn.data('value'), key = $btn.data('key'), $target = $btn.parents(target), value = ''; if (!$target.length) $target = $(target); value = $target.hasClass (cls) ? 'off' : 'on'; // get all class to remove if (value == 'off') { $target.removeClass (cls); $btn.removeClass('on').addClass ('off'); } else { $target.addClass (cls); $btn.removeClass('off').addClass ('on'); } $.cookie (action + '-' + key, $btn.data('cookie') != 'no' ? value : '', {path: '/'}); }; jActions.onOffInit = function ($btn) { var action = $btn.data('action'), target = $btn.data('target'), cls = $btn.data('value'), defaultValue = $btn.data('default'), key = $btn.data('key'), cookieValue = $.cookie(action + '-' + key), value = cookieValue ? cookieValue : defaultValue, $target = $btn.parents(target); if (!$target.length) $target = $(target); // get all class to remove if (value == 'on') { $target.addClass (cls); $btn.addClass ('on'); } else { $btn.addClass ('off'); } // store into cookie $.cookie (action + '-' + key, $btn.data('cookie') != 'no' ? value : '', {path: '/'}); }; // next-prev actions tool jActions.nextPrev = function ($btn) { var action = $btn.data('action'), target = $btn.data('target'), prop = $btn.data('key'), value = parseInt($btn.data('value')), $target = $btn.parents(target), values = $btn.parent().data(prop + 's').split(','), curVal = $.cookie(action + '-' + prop), curValIdx = $.inArray(curVal, values), newValIdx = curValIdx + value; if (!$target.length) $target = $(target); if (!$btn.parent().data('loop') && (newValIdx < 0 || newValIdx >= values.length)) { return ; } newValIdx = newValIdx < 0 ? values.length-1 : (newValIdx >= values.length ? 0 : newValIdx); if (newValIdx != curValIdx) { $target.removeClass(prop + '-' + curVal.replace(' ', '-').toLowerCase()).addClass(prop + '-' + values[newValIdx].replace(' ', '-').toLowerCase()); if ($btn.data('cookie') != 'no') $.cookie(action + '-' + prop, values[newValIdx], {path: '/'}); $btn.parent().find ('strong').html (values[newValIdx]); } }; jActions.nextPrevInit = function ($btn) { var action = $btn.data('action'), target = $btn.data('target'), prop = $btn.data('key'), defaultValue = $btn.data('default'), $target = $btn.parents(target), cookieValue = $.cookie(action + '-' + prop), value = cookieValue ? cookieValue : defaultValue; if (!$target.length) $target = $(target); if (value) { $target.addClass(prop + '-' + value.replace(' ', '-').toLowerCase()); if ($btn.data('cookie') != 'no') $.cookie(action + '-' + prop, value, {path: '/'}); $btn.parent().find ('strong').html (value); } }; jActions.loadModuleNextPage = function(link, modid, container, callback) { var btn = $(link); var curPage = parseInt(btn.attr('data-page')); if(!curPage) curPage = 1; btn.attr('disabled', 'disabled'); btn.find('.fa-spin').show(); var url = btn.data('link'); url += (url.indexOf('?') == -1 ? '?' : '&') + 't3action=module&style=raw&mid='+modid+'&_module_page=' + (curPage + 1); $.ajax({ url: url, method: 'POST', success: function(data) { $(link).find('.fa-spin').hide(); if(data && data.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/gm,'') != '') { $('#'+container).append(data); btn.attr('data-page', curPage + 1); if(btn.data('maxpage') && curPage + 1 < btn.data('maxpage')) { btn.removeAttr('disabled'); } else { btn.html(Joomla.JText._('TPL_LOAD_MODULE_AJAX_DONE')); } if(typeof(callback) == 'function') { callback(); } $(data).find("script").each(function(i) { eval($(this).text()); }); } else { btn.html(Joomla.JText._('TPL_LOAD_MODULE_AJAX_DONE')); } } }); return false; }; })(jQuery); (function($){ $(document).ready(function(){ $('[data-action]').each (function() { // check & init default var $this = $(this), action = $this.data('action'); if (jActions[action]) { $this.on('click', function() { jActions[action]($this); return false; }); } if ($this.data('default') != undefined && jActions[action + 'Init']) { jActions[action + 'Init'] ($this); } }); // prev / next article in reading-mode $('.pagenav li a').on ('click', function() { if ($('html').hasClass ('reading-mode')) { $.cookie ('onOff-reading-mode', 'on', {path: '/'}); } }); }); })(jQuery); (function($){ $(document).ready(function(){ //////////////////////////////// // equalheight for col //////////////////////////////// var ehArray = ehArray2 = [], i = 0; $('.equal-height').each (function(){ var $ehc = $(this); if ($ehc.has ('.equal-height')) { ehArray2[ehArray2.length] = $ehc; } else { ehArray[ehArray.length] = $ehc; } }); for (i = ehArray2.length -1; i >= 0; i--) { ehArray[ehArray.length] = ehArray2[i]; } var equalHeight = function() { for (i = 0; i < ehArray.length; i++) { var $cols = ehArray[i].children().filter('.col'), maxHeight = 0, equalChildHeight = ehArray[i].hasClass('equal-height-child'); // reset min-height if (equalChildHeight) { $cols.each(function(){$(this).children().first().css('min-height', 0)}); } else { $cols.css('min-height', 0); } $cols.each (function() { maxHeight = Math.max(maxHeight, equalChildHeight ? 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